Did Modern-Day Science Really Uncover:

The 2,000+ Year Old “Formula”
Jesus Used to Heal the Masses?


“I saw God… I saw the white light…
I woke up and felt
the cancer was gone from my body.”
–Stage IV Cancer Survivor, Mike Curtis

Dear Reader,

Take a look at this vial of black liquid pictured at the top of your screen…

Look closely, because according to hundreds – perhaps even thousands of testimonials that have gone viral across the web – this thick, black oil has been the source of countless medical miracles.

I’m talking about the type of miracles that are bringing people back from the brink of death, and leaving doctors “speechless.”

My doctors are floored,” says 66-year-old lung cancer survivor Michelle Hutchins… “They’ve never seen anything like it.”

That’s because it’s reportedly beaten many types of “incurable” cancers… reversed diabetes… taken away arthritis pain… and has even helped the blind – I’m talking about folks considered LEGALLY BLIND – to see again.

And if that wasn’t enough, several of the U.S. government’s top scientists believe it could also hold the key to treating Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and even Parkinson’s.

So what is this tarry substance? Does it really hold the power to beat – or even CURE – some of the most devastating diseases of our time?

And is it really derived from the same formula Jesus Christ used over 2,000 years ago to heal the masses as depicted throughout the Holy Bible?

It sounds hard to believe, I know…

…but in just a minute, I’m going to share with you the results of numerous clinical trials done at some of America’s most prestigious medical institutions – like the University of California, Harvard Medical School and UCLA – that PROVE it works…

Not only that, but I’ll also show you dozens of incredible stories of real-life people who owe their lives to the healing power of this incredible medicine.

Folks whose lives have been changed forever…


Like 65-year-old Paul Hanson, who reports that he used this medicine to cure his Type 2 diabetes…

In August 2011, Paul weighed 215 pounds… and had a blood sugar level of 12%.

He began treating his condition with this “Jesus Oil”… and after just 7 weeks, his blood sugar levels dropped by an astounding 62%... back to NORMAL levels!

According to Paul, “My diabetes is gone! I continue to keep doing a small dose of the oil… and today the scale said 162.5 pounds. I did not change my diet, but the oil did it for me.

Even more incredible, Paul explained that, “I was diagnosed with dyslexia as a kid. I could never spell… but for some reason I can spell 10 times better now!!”

Miraculous, right?

After all, Type 2 diabetes is supposed to be incurable.

And if you – or someone you know – has been diagnosed by a doctor, you’ve likely been told that it’s a “chronic and progressive disease” whose symptoms can only hope to be managed through a lifetime of expensive treatments.

But according to Paul Hanson, and countless others, these “Jesus Oils” can REVERSE Type 2 diabetes in just a few months’ time.


And then there’s the miraculous story reported by 55-year-old Connie Phillips…

In 2011, Connie was diagnosed with life-threatening cancer (the same cancer that took Farrah Fawcett’s life). She was given 4… maybe 6 months to live.

Not only that, but Connie also suffered debilitating pain from a previous heart surgery AND had 2 spots of skin cancer on her collarbone.

Incredibly, she rejected traditional treatments like radiation and chemotherapy and turned to “Jesus Oil” after hearing about it through her caregiver.

Here’s where the story gets emotional for Connie…

She explains that within 48 hours, the oil worked to completely remove the visible skin cancer… then, after another 2 weeks, the pain in her sternum, as well as the nerve pain she’d suffered through, had become “almost nonexistent.”

In her own words, she’ll tell you that “you have to understand, I had resigned myself to a life sentence of pain and agony. It had been 4 years of pain that was with me 24/7 and never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine I would be pain-free ever again… I think it’s understandable when I say I get very emotional when I think how far I’ve come. Not only has [this oil] changed my life, it is saving my life.”

And here’s the most exciting part…

On September 20th, 2012, she would learn that – even though she never received chemotherapy or radiation – her cancer was completely gone!

According to Connie, her doctor said, “If it wasn’t for the scar tissue, I would never have known you had ever had cancer!”

Connie isn’t alone, either.

Hundreds of others are making this same claim all across social media and the world wide web…

That by ingesting these miraculous oils, they’ve been able to completely rid their bodies of many different forms of deadly cancer… brain cancers, breast cancers, leukemia, skin cancers.

All gone… sometimes without the use of chemotherapy and radiation.

These “Jesus Oils” could do the same for you… or anyone else who might be suffering.


Take the story of 5-year-old Stacey McCormick… who suffered from a condition called Dravet syndrome, a debilitating disease that causes seizures.

Stacey was diagnosed at an early age… and was suffering close to 1,200 grand mal seizures per month.

Her parents tried every medication the doctors would prescribe… and nothing worked.

In fact, a few of the medications caused her heart to stop.. and Stacey’s mother said she had to perform CPR while saying her final goodbyes.

Amazingly, she lived. But the seizures and harsh medications began to take a nasty toll. Young Stacey couldn’t walk… she couldn’t talk… she couldn’t even eat on her own.

She was slipping away…

Even worse, Stacey’s doctors explained how they’d reached the end of the line for medical options. There was nothing more the “medical community” could do.

And then, a miracle happened. Or as Stacey’s mother calls it, an “Accidental Miracle.”

You see, they discovered the healing power of “Jesus Oil” and out of desperation (and the fact that it’s completely nontoxic) decided to give it a try.

The first time they administered this “breakthrough” medicine, young Stacey went a full 7 days without a single seizure.

Today, Stacey has experienced a 99% reduction in seizures!

Even better, she’s eating on her own again… talking with her parents again… and even playing with her twin sister.

In other words, she’s been completely transformed into a normal kid.

All because of this breakthrough medicine.

Can you imagine what life would be like without having to constantly worry if you or a loved one will live to see another day?

Where you get a second chance to live a normal, healthy life again?

A life without constant trips to the doctor’s office… and a life where you’re not a slave to prescription drugs and expensive treatments? 

Imagine how good it will feel when your doctor looks you in the eyes, and says those magic words… “You’re cured!”

That’s the holy power of “Jesus Oil.”

So what is this thick, black substance?

How could it help treat such a wide array of “incurable diseases”?

And can it really:

That’s where the whole story gets very interesting…

Because according to a growing number of medical experts and religious scholars… the “formula” for this healing oil comes directly from a 2,000-year-old recipe hidden in the Holy Bible.

Allow me to explain what’s going on here… because if you – or someone you know – suffers from cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis or a number of other ailments…

…the key ingredient of this oil could prove to be an absolute miracle medicine.

Jesus and the Healing Power of the
Holy Anointing Oil

My name, by the way, is Susan White…

I’m the Executive Director of the Alliance for Advanced Health (an independent “think tank” located just outside of Washington D.C.).

I’m also a devout Christian…

And I can tell you that Jesus’ ability to heal the sick is well documented in the Bible…

You don’t need to be a biblical scholar to have heard most of these stories before…

Like in the Book of Matthew, where “a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years” was healed, simply by touching Jesus’ cloak…

And the story in Mark, chapter 2, where Jesus helped a “crippled man to walk” as everyone watched in amazement…

Or perhaps one of the most famous stories of all, depicted in the Book of John, where Jesus helped a blind man to see… by doing nothing more than rubbing mud in his eyes.

These are all stories of Jesus’ ability to heal based on the power of his divinity alone…

But there are many other examples where Jesus helped heal the masses using NATURAL ingredients from God’s earth…

A special medicine many believe to be called “The Holy Anointing Oil”…

Perhaps you’ve heard of it…

The original recipe for the Holy Anointing Oil was bespoken to Moses from God himself (using a mixture of plants and herbs that were readily available at the time).

And Jesus too was baptized in a ceremony where his whole body was covered in similar Anointing Oils…

According to the Book of Mark, immediately following his baptism, “He saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him.”

Many biblical scholars believe this baptism in Holy Anointing Oil to be the transformative event in Jesus’ life… and marked the beginning of his public ministry.

In fact, the term “Christ” means “The Anointed One.”

Not only that, but Jesus sent his flock of Apostles to anoint others, as portrayed in Mark 6:13

Now, almost 2,000 years later, folks in the medical and scientific community are rediscovering the healing power of the key ingredient of these medical oils…

And the “Holy Oil” is once again performing miracles all over the world…

In fact, the story of Jesus’ baptism sounds almost identical to the experience of a man named Mike Curtis, who recently used the Holy Oil to completely rid his body of Stage IV cancer… see for yourself…

Famous Hollywood Stuntman Claims He Cured His Stage IV Colon Cancer Using “The Holy Oil”

You may not be familiar with the name Mike Curtis… but odds are, you’ve seen his library of work over the past 20 years.

He’s a famous Hollywood stuntman, and has appeared in hundreds of blockbuster films and television shows like Iron Man, Pearl Harbor, Terminator Salvation and Sons of Anarchy (just to name a few).

Folks in his line of work typically get set on fire… thrown from tall buildings and shot full of bullet holes.

It’s dangerous work.

But nothing compared to the life-threatening situation Mike suddenly found himself in when he was diagnosed with cancer…

You see, even though Mike experienced many of the early warning signs of colon cancer – like nighttime fatigue and blood in his stool – he refused to go to the doctor until it was almost too late.

When he finally sought medical help, it was determined that he had stage IV colon cancer.

The tumors that had taken over Mike’s body were enormous… consuming nearly 70% of his colon.

The situation was bleak.

Mike recalls that his doctor explained the only real solution was to reroute his “plumbing” by surgically removing a large portion of his colon.

He would have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of his life… and even if the procedure was successful, and he survived, his life would never be the same and his career as a stuntman would be over.

Naturally, he got a second opinion.

According to Mike:

But given the other options presented by the doctors, he decided to start chemo and radiation immediately.

As you can imagine, the side effects were brutal and extremely painful.

Fortunately for Mike, his wife Alyssa connected with a caregiver who told them about the incredible properties of this miracle oil…

Mike described the first time he ingested Jesus Oil as a strong religious experience…

Incredibly, after a few months, something miraculous happened…

At his next checkup, which consisted of a colonoscopy and a CAT scan, the oncologist couldn’t find any presence of tumors… only scar tissue from all the radiation.

He said that the doctors told him the cancer was indeed gone.

During Mike’s battle with the deadly disease, Mike claimed he could feel the oil attacking the cancer.

Mike continues to take a weekly “maintenance” dose of the oil. (He’s also become committed to helping others discover this “miracle oil” for themselves.)

It’s an incredible story…

One of hundreds that have surfaced over the past few years…

Can you imagine waking up one morning – completely cancer-free – just like Mike and countless others have?

All the fear… all the anguish that this horrid disease once caused you and your family, GONE OVERNIGHT!

No more chemo treatments causing you to be sick and weak… No more radiation destroying your body.

You wouldn’t be financially strapped because of all the expensive medical bills.

You’d be healthy again… strong again…

…you’d be able to go out and do all the things you used to enjoy.

Simply using a natural medicine that was handed down from God himself.

Of course, you should always consult with your doctor before starting a new regimen…

But the simple fact is, there have been so many success stories lately, that modern-day medical researchers – as well as leading doctors at places like Johns Hopkins, Brown University and the University of Virginia have begun studying the key ingredient of the Holy Anointing Oil to find out why it’s proving to be so effective…

I’ll show you all the scientific research in just a second…

I’m also going to show you EXACTLY what it is… how it works… how you can get your hands on these miracle oils from a number of specialized caregivers all across the country…

Even better…

…I’ll even show you how you can get your hands on this miracle oil… for much less money than typical mainstream medicines.

I’ll give you everything you need to know to begin healing your body TODAY… but don’t worry about memorizing any of this information (and you don’t need to jot down any notes).

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About
These “Miracle Oils”


That’s because every single detail on how you can use this “miracle medicine” to combat cancer… reverse diabetes… take away severe pain… or stop any number of debilitating diseases is now available in a FREE book called Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today


This book is massive…

And, in addition to providing you the full details on “Jesus’ Miracle Oil,” this 422-page free book also contains a number of PROVEN underground disease therapies including…

The incredible “secret water” breakthrough SCIENTIFICALLY shown to REVERSE rheumatoid arthritis in as little as a few weeks! It sounds brain-dead simple, I know… that’s because it is! It even works in conjunction with your regular medications. (Page 196.)

The incredible Soviet “Spy Pill”… developed during the Cold War era and recently declassified… American seniors are now using this 100% natural medicine to feel like they’re 20 years younger… page 10.

MUST SEE: The miracle solution that could greatly reduce the risk of you suffering a heart attack ever again.. If you’ve suffered a heart attack before and live in constant fear of having another… you NEED to see this discovery. Full details… page 310.

Over 422 Pages of Lifesaving Tips Your Doctor Probably Doesn’t Know ANYTHING About…

As I mentioned briefly before, my name is Susan White.

I’m a devout Christian… and take religion very seriously.

I’m also the Executive Director of the Alliance for Advanced Health.

We’re an independent health “think tank” located just outside Washington D.C. 

The purpose of our organization is simple: To PULL BACK the curtain on mainstream American medicine…

To EXPOSE the real-life PROVEN cures, therapies, and treatments that are being censored, even COVERED UP by Big Pharma and the FDA.

YES! There are cures and treatments out there for ALL of the major diseases RIGHT NOW that are NEVER seeing the light of day because they threaten the very existence of the cash cow that is the MULTITRILLION-DOLLAR U.S. healthcare system…

Our mission is simple: To help everyday Americans like you cut through the lies and deception you’re being fed by institutions like Big Pharma and Big Government…

To help Americans liberate themselves from the institutions that are literally destroying the health, safety, and retirement of a whole generation of folks like you and me.

Our alliance is 14,000 members strong… consisting of free-thinking doctors, researchers, and regular people like you and me.

To help us get our message out to independent-minded Americans who want to know the TRUTH, we recently finished putting together what is probably our most important work to date, Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

This massive 422-page volume is a comprehensive blueprint to living a longer, happier, and healthier life…

And right now it’s free to a select group of Americans like you…

You won’t find this 422-page volume in your local bookstore…

And it’s not for sale on Amazon.

The only way to claim your FREE copy is right here, through this special presentation.

We’ve printed a limited number of copies… so please watch the next few minutes to see how to claim your own.

But first, I’d like to PROVE how these 2,000+ year old “miracle oils” could help you and your loved ones combat cancer, ward off Alzheimer’s disease and even eliminate unbearable pain.

How you can heal your body the way God intended… using a medicine that – even the U.S. government is admitting – is extremely safe…

In fact, the government has recently stated that these miracle oils are so safe, “No signs of toxicity or serious side effects have been observed following chronic administration of [these oils]… even at very high doses.”

It’s a true Miracle from God…

And I believe it’s no accident that we found this now… when so many are suffering.

He bestowed upon us a powerful, inexpensive medicine that can help ERASE any fear of these diseases for you and your family.

…just like it did for Frank Bidwell, who has reportedly seen great success battling his leukemia thanks to these oils alone.

…and just like Carmella Foley, whose online story claims these same oils greatly reduce the pain associated with her chronic arthritis condition.

But I have to admit as a Christian, when I first heard about all of this – that a thick, gooey oil could help with dozens and dozens of debilitating conditions – I was completely skeptical.

I mean, who wouldn’t be?!

Especially when you consider the connection between this medicine and the Holy Bible…

But if you have strong faith, the answers always present themselves…

Straight Out of the “Holy Land” Comes the Biggest Medical Breakthrough of the 20th Century…

In 1990, an organic chemist and professor of medicinal chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – not too far from where Jesus performed HIS miracles – made one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 20th century…

…a discovery that’s worthy of the prestigious Nobel Prize.

His name is Dr. Raphael Mechoulam… and he identified a previously unknown regulatory system found throughout the entire human body

It’s a God-given, built-in mechanism specifically designed to keep your body disease-free…

Yes, you heard that right…

Your body is already wired to shut down nearly ALL diseases…

In short, Dr. Mechoulam discovered the one regulatory system that rules them all… a system that’s called the Endocannabinoid System (or the ECS).

To put this discovery into context, and to understand the magnitude of the situation, just listen to what the experts on the subject have to say:

Dr. Dustin Sulak – a highly esteemed doctor of osteopathic medicine – calls the ECS:

And retired cardiac heart surgeon Dr. David Allen said during a recent interview that:

This is a system that God placed in every single human being on the planet (as well as almost all of God’s creatures) as a way to naturally ward off disease.

Not only that, but God also created a simple key that will “turn on” and even “Turbocharge” your own body’s disease-fighting mechanism.

This is exactly how Doug Archer beat bowel cancer (after being told he had just 18 months to live)…

And how Kerry Fulton – the daughter of an ordained minister – reports she was able to ease the painful muscle spasms associated with a near-fatal car crash she went through years back.

These folks… and all the others I’ve mentioned, have simply found God’s key…

So what’s the key?

Well, according to Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (the same doctor who discovered the endocannabinoid system)…

The key comes from the oils of an ancient plant…

A plant that many believe to be the main ingredient of the 2,000-year-old recipe that God handed down to Moses…

A plant referred to throughout the Bible as the Kaneh-bosm.

In his own words, Dr. Mechoulam explains that “by using a plant that has been around for thousands of years, we discovered a new physiological system of immense importance… we wouldn’t have been able to get there if we had not looked at the plant.”

That’s because – as Dr. Mechoulam first discovered – the ancient Kaneh-bosm plant contains over 480 natural compounds that provide the KEY to “turning on” your body’s own endocannabinoid system!

This holy plant IS the key!

So what happens when you use the high-powered oils of the Kaneh-bosm plant to turn on your body’s natural healing system?

I’ll show you…

The Doctor Said:
 “He Probably Wasn’t Going to Make It”

Take the story of Joshua Franklin, for example…

You see, Josh was just a happy 3-year-old Utah boy when he was first diagnosed with leukemia…

His condition progressed so rapidly, the doctors informed his family he probably wouldn’t make it.

According to his mother Sierra:

Nothing in the mainstream medical community alone seemed to work… and time was quickly running out for young Josh.

But instead of giving in to this tragic death sentence, and playing into Big Pharma’s only option (more expensive drugs), Josh’s mother says they turned to the high-powered oils of the ancient Kaneh-bosm plant in addition to chemotherapy.

The results came rather quickly, and they were incredible.

Within just a fraction of time, his endocannabinoid system was fully “turned on,” and Josh showed immediate signs of improvement.

According to a recent news story about Josh… instead of just withering away (like his doctors expected), his appetite surged and his vomiting lessened.

He rebounded.

And soon after, his cancer completely disappeared!

So how is this possible?

Remember, God has equipped the cells of almost every living creature on His planet with endocannabinoid receptors.

Including cancer cells.

Once you ingest the oils of the Kaneh-bosm plant, the compounds inside infiltrate the cancer cells through these highly specialized receptors.

They begin communicating with these cells… and will detect that these cells are causing the body to operate outside of its normal state of balance.

And almost immediately, the endocannabinoid receptors work to SHUT OFF the mechanism that delivers food and energy to these deadly cancer cells.

Without energy, the cancer cells become weaker and weaker… and they die.

It’s a process called apoptosis… where the normal, healthy cells are left intact… and the unhealthy, cancerous cells are destroyed.


As a result of this heavenly process, young Josh is still cancer-free…

That’s one of the most incredible things about these miracle oils. Not only can the oils work to combat cancer (and many diseases that modern day science has NO answers for), but they’re completely nontoxic and safe.

Take the story of Georgia native Ben Hinson, for example.

Ben was just weeks old when he suffered a traumatic brain hemorrhage.

The hemorrhage led to a seizure followed by a blood clot disorder, a feeding tube and vision impairment.

There wasn’t much the doctors could do for Ben… he was just a baby.

Luckily, his mother – Kate – says she discovered these healing oils after traveling the country in search of a cure.

And after administering these oils three times a day for a few months, Ben was able to “turn on” his body’s natural ability to heal itself…

As his mother explained:

It sounds like a story straight out of the Bible. A near-blind child was given the ability to see once again.

Or how about Trey Parker… another story that’s gone completely viral across the world wide web.

Trey was a bright, athletic 11-year-old Minnesota boy when tragedy struck.

He was hit in the skull by a line-drive baseball, causing massive bleeding in his brain…

This led to a stroke, forcing doctors to place Trey in a medically induced coma.

Although he survived, they thought life would never be the same.

The traumatic brain injury caused seizures, migraines, muscle spasms, depression and severe outbursts.

As Trey explained after the incident:

The doctors tried everything they could think of to give him relief. They tried over 18 medications. Nothing worked… and some even made him suicidal.

He would tell his mother:

Trey was forced to live with this unbearable condition for a FULL 4 years.

Luckily, his mother reports that she discovered these oils and traveled hundreds of miles to obtain this powerful medicine.

And with just a few drops, the pain melted away. Almost instantly.

“It was a miracle in a bottle,” she’ll tell you.

And according to Trey, “It stops the pain, and it stops the muscle spasms.”

Incredible, right?

Now I could show you hundreds – perhaps thousands – more stories just like these that I’ve compiled over the past few months.

Like 50-year-old Doug Miller… who is now completely cured from Stage IV lung cancer according to an article that was posted online…

Like Judith M. Foster, who reports that she used the Jesus Oil to help beat Lyme disease, touting that “this oil greatly reduced the severity of my symptom picture and improved my quality of life while going through Lyme treatment…”

And retired police captain Logan Sampson…

Logan says he had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease for nearly 20 years. According to a new documentary that features Logan, he had exhausted every conventional method of treatment, every drug, and even brain surgery.”

Nothing worked...

But within minutes of trying “Jesus Oil,” his symptoms nearly vanished!

Incredibly, Logan’s transformation was captured live on video… and according to those who witnessed this miracle from God:

In short… this miracle medicine can work for the very young…

It can work for the very old…

And I can tell you – with 100% conviction – it could work wonders to “turn on” your very own God-given system for reversing disease.

And thanks to your FREE 422-page book Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today, you’ll get every single detail on this medicine for yourself… a family member… a friend… or anyone else who needs it!

It seems to work for just about everyone who’s tried it… covering a multitude of medical conditions.


As Dr. Dustin Sulak – a physician who says he has treated over 18,000 patients – explained recently:

“In one day I might see cancer, Crohn’s disease, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, Tourette’s syndrome and eczema, just to name a few.”

“All of these conditions have different causes, different physiologic states, and vastly different symptoms. The patients are old and young. Some are undergoing conventional therapy. Others are on a decidedly alternative path.”

“Yet despite their differences, almost ALL of my patients would agree on one point: [This oil] helps their condition.”

“I am naturally wary of any medicine that purports to cure-all. Panaceas, snake-oil remedies, and expensive fads often come and go, with big claims but little scientific or clinical evidence to support their efficacy…”

“As I explore the therapeutic potential of [these incredible oils], however, I find no lack of evidence…”

“In fact, I find an explosion of scientific research on the therapeutic potential of [Kaneh-bosm oils], more evidence than one can find on some of the most widely used therapies of conventional medicine.”

As more and more folks in the medical community are just starting to find out, it works on many, many different types of disease…

For instance, studies are showing that the oils found within the ancient Kaneh-bosm plant are proving highly effective for conditions like:


There are literally dozens and dozens of new studies surfacing from all over the world.

So here’s the big question…

If it’s such a safe and effective medicine… and if it can really alleviate medical conditions that have baffled scientists for years…

…then why haven’t you heard about ANY of this before? Why hasn’t your doctor mentioned your endocannabinoid system… or recommended treatment using these powerful oils?

In a nutshell, it all comes down to one thing… MONEY!

As you’ll soon discover in your FREE copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today, you can get your hands on this miracle oil way cheaper than the cost of traditional medicines!

That’s simply not the way our healthcare system works…

Big Pharma Wants Your Money

As you probably already know, the American healthcare system thrives on expensive treatments and pharmaceutical drugs.

For instance, the cost of chemotherapy for cancer can run as high as $65,000 per month!

The average yearly cost for treating diabetes is about $13,700… and treating multiple sclerosis runs about $60,000 per year.

It’s absolutely ridiculous!

And that’s PRECISELY why the pharmaceutical industry has a strong motivation for denying treatments that DON’T require expensive drugs

They’re not alone, either.

The trillion-dollar “Big Pharma” industry has a very powerful partner in crime…

I’m talking about the United States government!

You see, within our government’s Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Big Pharma has a devoted little lap dog who follows commands at will…

In other words, Big Pharma OWNS the FDA.

It’s true… in 1992 Congress quietly slipped through a law called the Prescription Drug User Fee Act.

No one paid a lot of attention. But they should have, because with that law Congress SOLD OUT the American people…

…by “auctioning off” a piece of our own government… which is now controlled by a group of crooked corporate bigshots.

Prescribe, Prescribe, PRESCRIBE!

Thanks to that law, Big Pharma now pays the salaries of FDA employees… including the OVERSIZED bonuses given to FDA executives.

Talk about a conflict of interest…

The FDA was designed to be a “watchdog” that oversees Big Pharma… ensuring the safety and efficacy of the endless prescription drugs they peddle on the American consumer.

Well, considering prescription drugs kill upwards of 128,000 Americans every year… I’d say they’re not doing a good job of keeping us safe.

The whole situation is CRIMINAL!

Of course, the only ones being punished are Americans like you and me.

Thanks to the Big Pharma/FDA “partnership,” our doctors are taught to practice medicine one way… prescribe, prescribe, PRESCRIBE…

And that brings me to the main reason your doctor has never mentioned “turning on” your endocannabinoid system… and has never suggested using these “nontoxic” miracle oils to treat your debilitating condition…

They’ve never heard of it!

In fact, retired cardiovascular surgeon Dr. David Allen (who has become one of the world’s foremost experts in endocannabinoid sciences) recently surveyed over 157 of the top medical universities in the country…

…to determine how many schools are providing formal training of the endocannabinoid system.

The answer…

Only 13% of medical schools even mention the ECS… and nobody – not one single school – has an organized course.

As he explains:

But here’s the good news…

You don’t have to wait for the medical community to “get their act together.”


Because like I’ve already mentioned, everything you need to know about the endocannabinoid system and the healing power of these “miracle oils” can be found inside your copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.


You’ll get the REAL and UNCENSORED details of the breakthroughs and cures that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about…

As you’ll discover in your FREE copy, these “Miracle Oils” are just the beginning of what you’ll find in this GIANT encyclopedia of natural cures and therapies.

For instance, did you know there’s a safe and simple way to actually reverse rheumatoid arthritis?

It’s another HUGE health secret Big Pharma hopes you never find out about…

“Secret Water” REVERSES
Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you or someone you love is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you know just how debilitating this disease really is…

The unbearable pain in your hands and feet…

The constant and overwhelming fatigue…

The swollen joints…

The fevers…

To make matters worse, the medical mainstream will have you believe there is NO WAY to cure this painful disease…

It DOESN’T exist, they’ll tell you. 

Instead arthritis sufferers have been forced to choke down a lifetime of prescription pills that have been linked to everything from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchitis… to lung and liver damage… to heart failure and even JOINT PAIN! 

Of course, these drugs do absolutely nothing to actually treat your arthritis. They simply mask the pain.

…And force you to take more dangerous pills…

Putting your life at risk!

Big Pharma wins. Regular folks like you and me lose.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Fortunately – and what the medical mainstream hopes you never learn is that – there IS an effective way to actually REVERSE arthritis… and drastically reduce all your pain and suffering FOREVER…

And it involves ZERO additional drugs… ZERO injections… and ZERO side effects!

Best of all, it’s ridiculously – almost laughably – inexpensive and easy.

It’s a simple type of water – readily available anywhere in the U.S. – that actually REVERSES the arthritis from taking hold of your aching joints and body!

No, I’m not talking about a liquid-only diet or buying a fancy type of bottled water or anything like that…

In fact, it requires NO dietary or lifestyle changes at all…

If it sounds “brain dead” simple… that’s because it is!

You can enjoy all the delicious foods and drinks you want… and STILL reverse your rheumatoid arthritis…

But only if you know the “secret water” solution on page 196 of your FREE COPY of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

I’m afraid most mainstream doctors don’t know a thing about this…

But leading scientists – who aren’t beholden to Big Pharma – will finally take notice.

In one study, for example, 20 rheumatoid arthritis-diagnosed participants tried this “secret water” (along with their normal medication)…

At the end of the study, 16 of the 20 – that’s 80 percent! – felt major relief of RA symptoms, with NO SIDE EFFECTS...

Already a major improvement over prescription drugs alone…

However, what was more incredible was this amazing fact…

9 of the participants experienced full remission!

That is, their arthritis was CURED!

…Something the mainstream medical infrastructure INSISTS cannot be done!

For example, on the Arthritis Foundation’s website it says:

“While there’s no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, eating certain foods can help you manage its symptoms.”

Wait a second…

“Manage its symptoms”?

The Arthritis Foundation is THE authority on arthritis in this country…

Surely, THEY would know about the “secret water” method that’s been independently confirmed to REVERSE rheumatoid arthritis, right?

Well, if you check the “Partners & Sponsors” section of their own website, the reason why they don’t mention it suddenly becomes crystal clear:

AbbVie… Eli Lilly… Pfizer… Novartis… Amgen… Bristol-Meyers Squibb… GlaxoSmithKline… Merck… Johnson & Johnson... Genentech… Gilead…

It’s a TIDAL WAVE of pharmaceutical companies that make BILLIONS selling arthritis drugs.

If the country’s 40 million arthritis sufferers suddenly found out there was a simple way to begin reversing the disease without the need for ADDITIONAL prescription drugs…

Well, drug companies would lose A TON of money… and the Arthritis Foundation would lose all that Big Pharma funding.

Again, it always comes down to money…

To keeping regular Americans like you and me in the dark… desperately ADDICTED to prescription drugs.

It’s a toxic relationship you can no longer afford to be dependent on.

That’s why this “secret water” method is extremely valuable information you NEED to know about right away.

It’s safe… natural… and extremely simple and inexpensive…

After all, what would remission from your RA symptoms mean for you?

Imagine being able to spend your days enjoying your favorite activities without the constant joint pain and stiffness.

Completely safe and side-effect free…

This, my friend, can now be a reality for you…

Everything you need to know about this rheumatoid arthritis miracle is in your FREE copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

But this isn’t even close to all the valuable and lifesaving information contained inside…

In this 422-page volume you’ll learn even more of the proven health secrets Big Pharma and the medical mainstream DO NOT want you to know…


The Soviet “Spy Pill” That’s Scientifically
Proven to Help You Feel Like You’re
20 Years Younger or More!

This might sound like something out of Tom Clancy’s latest spy movie…

A TOP SECRET pill developed by Soviet scientists…

100% natural, with NO side effects…

SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to enhance intellectual capacity as well as physical performance…

But it’s not the latest Hollywood blockbuster…


I’m talking about the shocking TRUE story of how the world’s #1 ALL-NATURAL, Anti-Aging breakthrough medicine managed to escape out of Russia…

And landed in the hands of 2 PATRIOT Doctors…

This could be the single most important anti-aging breakthrough in the history of medicine!

It’s been dubbed “The God Pill.”

And today, you can take advantage of this once TOP SECRET pill to help you feel 20 years younger!

The “God Pill” is NOT an energy pill…

It’s NOT an ordinary supplement…

And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with performance enhancing drugs… steroids... stimulants… or anything crazy or ridiculous like that…

It’s the only thing I’ve ever seen scientifically proven to REVERSE the process that leads to human aging…

Giving YOU the ability to effectively CONTROL your own aging…

A feat, to this day, big pharmaceutical companies have yet to accomplish!

It actually reverses the specific process that can lead to devastating age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and degenerative brain disease…

“I consider it to have saved my life,”
says Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, a professor at New York Medical College.

“Nothing quite like this has been observed before,”
says Dr. Mahtab Jafari, who’s been studying the “God Pill” on fruit flies at the University of California, Irvine…

One of America’s leading science-based health organizations, Natural News, calls it, “Remarkable… it just may activate superhuman powers for those who use it.”


Feeling like every cell in your body is suddenly 20-30 years younger…

Instantly REPROGRAMMED to an almost embryonic state…

Like your most vital systems – your heart, lungs, brain, bones, muscles… even your sex drive – biologically YOUNGER… operating at 100% FULL POWER again.

You’re a machine.

You’re still yourself, mind you…

Just… better.

You’re stronger… able to take on physical demands you haven’t attempted in years…

You never get tired… you have the stamina of a Navy Seal…

Your mind – your intellectual capacity – is razor sharp… like a grand chess master…

Your memory recall is like a 25-year-old savant…

In the bedroom your spouse definitely feels the difference… your sex drive is thriving again.

And with the rediscovery of feeling so much younger could come the emergence of a younger-looking, sexier body…

People may notice how much smoother and tighter your skin is…

Don’t be surprised if some suspect you of having “work” done.

Your body is trim and sculpted…

Yes, the ‘Spy Pill’ is scientifically proven to burn fat!

But this is just the beginning, really…

Because now you NEVER get sick…

Not only are colds and flus a thing of the past…

You literally add DECADES to your life as the mechanism responsible for some of the most devastating age-related diseases – Alzheimer’s… dementia… Parkinson’s… and osteoporosis – is effectively reversed… SHUT DOWN…

That’s the power of the “Spy Pill”…

It’s NOT science fiction.

It’s not some far-off reality…

It’s happening right now.

So what is this Soviet-era “pill”?

How does it work to naturally rejuvenate your body?

And can you really get all of these incredible benefits for pennies on the dollar?

Again, you’ll discover every single detail about the incredible “God Pill” in your FREE copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

And I’ve just scratched the surface…

This Is Only the Beginning...
In This Massive 422-Page Volume
You’ll Also Discover…

There are a number of simple solutions to problems that may be plaguing you or a loved one…

For example, is stress impacting your health?

Is your mind racing with all the pressures and thoughts of the day, like a record player that keeps repeating?

Try this long-lost Japanese farmer’s secret to making anxiety DISAPPEAR…

In fact, in an astonishing medical study, the Japanese farmer’s secret was shown to be very effective at reducing stress and anxiety… while being safer than popular prescription drugs – but without the risk of addiction or other terrible side effects.

In another study, adults who used the farmer’s secret reported sleeping better and feeling less exhausted the next day.

With all the solid research behind this sleep time miracle, it’s practically a crime that mainstream doctors don’t know more about this. But you can discover it for yourself on page 45.

Or how about this…


You’ve been told that there’s nothing you can do to fight it.

You’ve been told that mainstream medicine can’t do anything to stop this dreaded disease from stealing nearly everything that makes you who you are.

And that’s right – there’s nothing that mainstream medicine can do.

But that’s not the end of the story.

Because clinical research has now shown that a powerful, underground remedy can now actually help your brain heal itself.

In fact, it’s even been clinically demonstrated to improve cognitive impairment, starting in just 8 weeks.

It’s a completely natural substance, delivered by the hand of God, so Big Pharma can’t patent it. And if they could, you’d be hearing a lot more about it.

It’s an incredible breakthrough you’re not going to hear about from Big Pharma or any other mainstream source.

You’ll get the full details on page 200 of your FREE COPY of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

And that’s not all…

Not even close…

In this 422-page volume you’ll also learn about…

All this is STILL only the beginning of what you’ll find in your FREE 422-page copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

I’ve Reserved a FREE Copy in Your Name…
But Only for the Next 24 Hours

And I’m going to show you exactly how to claim it right now…

You see, our group – the Alliance for Advanced Health – accepts a limited number of Americans in search of the uncensored TRUTH…

People who want to know the TRUTH about the cures, treatments, and remedies for ALL the major diseases right now that are being covered up…

People who no longer want to be a part of a “rigged” medical system… designed to keep YOU in the dark… which cares more about your money than your good health.

God’s people… who no longer wish to be forced into a lifetime of choking down dangerous prescription pills…

People who are fed up with the lies… hypocrisy… and greed of Big Pharma and Big Government…

Most importantly, people who want to live longer, happier, and healthier lives… and who want to discover the safe, natural, and PROVEN ways to beat – even CURE – humanity’s worst diseases and ailments…

In short, we believe YOU could be one of those people.

That’s why we’ve arranged this very special and PRIVATE invitation for you to join us…

Here’s what I mean…


Each month, our team of researchers, doctors, and scientists put together a report – available only to our small inner circle of members – on the most valuable health cures and breakthroughs happening right now.


Diabetes… cancer… Alzheimer’s… heart disease… arthritis… pain… obesity… sexual dysfunction…

We leave no stone unturned.

As a member of our private inner circle you’ll get access to these valuable monthly reports FIRST. 

You’ll find that oftentimes you’ll have access to these breakthrough findings years – even DECADES – before the medical mainstream even learns about them.

Think about that for a moment…

Imagine living without fear or worry of disease or aging…

Or sharing a lifesaving remedy or cure with a friend or loved one…

That, my friend, is a remarkable power to have.

As an Alliance for Advanced Health member, you’ll be among just a tiny percentage of Americans who know the UNCENSORED truth about REAL cures and breakthroughs that can dramatically change your and your loved ones’ lives...

But before I go on, I want to be upfront about something…

This exclusive invitation is NOT for just anyone.

Of course, knowing the uncensored truth can be an incredibly empowering experience…

However, from what I’ve seen, most people simply prefer the safety and comfort of mainstream thinking…

…To keep the proverbial “blinders” on…

I DON’T think you’re one of those people.

That’s why I’ve put together this special and limited invitation for you today…

Are You Ready to Join Us?

Become a member of our Alliance for Advanced Health inner circle today and I’ll send you Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today for FREE.

Inside you’ll find every one of our team’s PROVEN disease-fighting methods for diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, obesity, sexual dysfunction and more.

This 422-page book is a comprehensive blueprint to living life the way it was MEANT to be lived… happy, healthy, and DISEASE-FREE for the rest of your life.

There is a very small cost for access to our monthly health reports. But you’ll be amazed at how astonishingly inexpensive it is…

We only ask enough to cover the costs of producing the monthly newsletter for members like you.

In fact, the cost is just a few dollars a month… 

And what you’ll gain is beyond reckoning… a new life where worry and disease are a distant memory.

Plus, we’ll thank you with the most valuable gift we’ve ever offered… Uncensored Health… FOR FREE.

Not to mention, your 422-page volume is yours to keep even if you decide a membership isn’t right for you…

So, are you ready to dramatically change your health and your life forever?

To learn the life-changing health secrets covered up and swept under the rug by Big Pharma and Big Government?


The 2,000-year-old “miracle oil” that’s reportedly helped so many folks beat cancer, diabetes, MS, debilitating pain, Parkinson’s and more…

The astonishing Russian-discovered “God Pill” kept hidden from the West and scientifically proven to REVERSE the process that leads to human aging… a feat, to this day, Big Pharma has been unable to accomplish!

The incredible “secret water” proven to systematically REVERSE rheumatoid arthritis…

The incredible diabetes-reversing miracle HIDING INSIDE YOUR BODY…

All of this and more is yours in your FREE copy of Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today.

This 422-page volume is not for sale in ANY bookstore…

And you won’t find it on Amazon.com…

The only way to claim your FREE copy is to become a member of the Alliance for Advanced Health today…

But before I give you the details on how to get started, there’s one more exciting thing I’d like to tell you about…

Something you won’t find anywhere else except through this special invitation…

The Underground Secrets for
Ultimate Male Vitality

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Testosterone is practically a fountain of youth for men.

But the bad news is that once you hit 30 or so, your levels start to fall off…

And by the time you’re 50 or 60, you’re really feeling the difference.

The trick to feeling younger, stronger, sexier, and more vital is to reverse years of testosterone loss.

And how does mainstream medicine want you to do that?

With prescription drugs, of course.

But what they don’t tell you is...

Prescription testosterone products come with BIG risks…

Take the testosterone drug AndroGel, for example. Its list of side effects reads like something out of a horror story.

It’s been known to cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, depression, acne, and even hair loss!

And we’re guessing that “bald with pimples” isn’t exactly the look you’re going for.

And women and children can’t go anywhere near AndroGel without seriously putting their health at risk…

That’s exactly why we put together a Special Research Report titled: The Underground Secrets for Ultimate Male Vitality.

In this Report, you’ll learn the 100% NATURAL, scientifically proven secrets for turning back the clock on your aging body, mind, and sex drive…


For example, you’ll learn…

And all this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In our Special Research Report The Underground Secrets for Ultimate Male Vitality, you’ll learn all the best scientifically proven methods you can start using TODAY to look and feel better, think sharper, and improve your performance in the bedroom.

If you’re thinking about taking prescription testosterone products – or drugs for erectile dysfunction – you should read this groundbreaking Special Report FIRST!

I’ll include a copy FREE OF CHARGE when you become an Alliance for Advanced Health member today…

But that’s not all…

I’d also like to send you…

10 Drugs You Should NEVER Take
(and Their Safe, Natural Alternatives)

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That’s the number of deaths caused by prescription medications in America every single YEAR…

The terrifying truth is prescription drugs are now one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

Many of the drugs on the market right now... drugs that are making Big Pharma a fortune... either don’t work or could actually kill you.

You don’t need to be the next prescription drug statistic.

In our new Special Research Report 10 Drugs You Should NEVER Take, you’ll learn about the top 10 most dangerous prescription drugs you should stay away from – and safer alternatives that can improve your health without risking your life.

For example, #6 on our list are a popular class of cholesterol-lowering pills… which have become HUGE cash cows for the drug companies… and they’re handed out like Halloween candy.

But there’s a dark side to these popular drugs few seniors know about…

First, these drugs have been linked to serious side effects like muscle pain, cataracts, and even diabetes. The next thing you know, you’re in worse health and taking even MORE drugs.

In fact, one study out of Finland found that taking these drugs can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes by up to a whopping 44 percent!

And these aren’t even the worst of the bunch…

For example, there’s another popular drug many seniors are taking right now and have no idea they are gambling with their health.

This drug has been the subject of countless class-action lawsuits over its links to bladder cancer, and is even banned in countries like France and Germany.

But, somehow, it’s still legal and regularly prescribed in the United States.

It’s a drug that should have been pulled off the market a long time ago – but, instead, the FDA has been working to roll back its warnings and hide the risks.

You could be taking this drug right now!

That’s why you must learn the full details on the 10 most dangerous prescription drugs in America right now – and safer alternatives that can improve your health without risking your life.

In our Special Report 10 Drugs You Should NEVER Take (and Their Safe, Natural Alternatives), we’ll show you exactly how…

This report, along with The Underground Secrets for Ultimate Male Vitality and the 422-page encyclopedia of natural cures Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today, are yours FREE of charge when you become an Alliance for Advanced Health member today…

Here’s how to get started right away…

Claim Your 3 FREE Bonus Gifts Today!

Simply click the “Reserve Now” button at the bottom of this page to claim your 3 FREE gifts…

…And to begin your Alliance for Advanced Health membership right away…

Each month you’ll receive our privately circulated newsletter, which pulls back the curtain on the natural cures and treatments out there for ALL of the major diseases RIGHT NOW…

The cutting-edge, TRAILBLAZING information in our monthly issues is going to dramatically change your life…

As soon as you sign up, you'll receive passwords to our exclusive, members-only website, where you can look at all of our back issues and Special Reports, most of which contain health secrets and breakthroughs you can take advantage of right away.

You’ll immediately get all the details on how to benefit from the healing power of Jesus Oil… including how to gain access to this medicine from a number of specialized caregivers all across the country.

Also, as an Alliance for Advanced Health member you'll have full access to our member support team. They can help you with any questions you may have about your membership. You can call or email them directly between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

And there’s one last thing I need to tell you before I go…

I don’t want there to be any reason NOT to give the Alliance for Advanced Health a try today…

So when you agree to become a member today… you do it at ZERO RISK

Here’s what I mean…

In the next few days, you’ll receive a welcome package containing your 3 FREE gifts, including your 422-page Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today book…

…and your 2 BONUS reports, The Underground Secrets For Ultimate Male Vitality and 10 Drugs You Should NEVER Take (and Their Safe, Natural Alternatives)

Open them immediately so you can access the natural secrets and breakthroughs for reversing disease, dramatically improving your energy, mood, and sex life… and feeling better than you have felt in decades…

Then, every month like clockwork, we will send you the latest issue of the Alliance for Advanced Health newsletter…

Read it carefully to discover the newest natural cures, secrets, and breakthroughs for beating disease, “turning back the clock” on aging, and regaining your zest for life…

From cancer to diabetes, from back pain to Alzheimer’s, from arthritis to obesity…

…every issue of Alliance for Advanced Health is jam-packed with powerful, lifesaving information… REAL cures and breakthroughs that can dramatically change your and your loved ones’ lives...

You’ll have 12 months (1 full year) to check everything out. If you decide for any reason within those 12 months it’s not for you, just call our friendly Maryland-based customer service team and let us know. You’ll receive a full refund. No questions asked.

I know of no other organization in the world that will let you try something for an entire year and get a full refund if you don’t like it.

I’ll take it a step further too…

Even if you decide to cancel… if you decide our research is not right for you… please keep all 3 FREE gifts you received, our compliments… our way of saying “thank you” for giving our unique organization a try.

We want you to be happy. Our members stick with us because we work hard to make sure you’ll benefit from our research.

But there is one catch… I’m afraid this invitation, with your 3 FREE GIFT package, is only available right here, right now.

This is the most valuable gift set we’ve ever offered… we’ve printed a limited number of copies… and I can’t say for sure how long our supply will last.

Right now, there’s one copy of the 422-page Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden” Cures You Can Have Today, reserved in YOUR name.

Plus, both free BONUS reports, The Underground Secrets for Ultimate Male Vitality and 10 Drugs You Should NEVER Take (and Their Safe, Natural Alternatives)

But if you don’t claim them all now, they’ll have to be released to someone else.

Don’t let that happen…

REMEMBER: You take ZERO risk for giving us a try today…

Where else in the world can you try something for a FULL YEAR and receive a 100% refund if you don’t like it?

I’ve made this deal as much of a “NO BRAINER” as possible…

It’s time. Go ahead and click the “Reserve Now” button below…

You’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can claim all 3 of your FREE gifts…

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

You’ve got nothing to lose… and a longer, happier, healthier life to gain…

Please click on the button below to secure your RISK-FREE 1-year membership to the Alliance for Advanced Health, including your FREE copy of the 422-page Uncensored Health plus all the bonus Special Reports I’ve been describing in this presentation.

Susan White


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